The study of macro-institutional aspects of the innovative potential of state-owned companies and their impact on the state policy of structural development in modern conditions
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Abstract (English):
The global economic system has been undergoing continuous changes since the global financial and economic year 2008. Although the signs of economic recovery are already noticeable, the pace of recovery directly depends on the introduction of innovative macroeconomic mechanisms, especially in the context of weak consumer activity. The modern world is actively shaping a new architecture of economic relations, including the revision of the monetary system and the creation of more effective regulatory instruments. The previous methods of economic management used before the 2008 crisis are giving way to fundamentally new macroinstitutional approaches aimed at ensuring sustainable development in the long term. In modern conditions, state-owned corporations are becoming key drivers of innovative development, which is a response to the imperfections of market mechanisms. Targeted government intervention through targeted economic instruments helps minimize the negative consequences of market failures. The research focuses on the analysis of methodological approaches to the assessment of technological independence in relation to the industrial policy of the state. Particular attention is paid to the study of macroinstitutional mechanisms through which state-owned companies contribute to achieving technological excellence and strategic leadership. At the same time, the analysis covers both developed economies and countries with emerging markets, which makes it possible to identify universal patterns and specific features of these processes. The research is devoted to the analysis of the instruments of state industrial policy and their role in the technological breakthrough. Particular attention is paid to identifying critical technologies and mechanisms through which government-owned companies can stimulate the emergence of innovation clusters. The work is aimed at identifying effective methodological approaches to the formation of breakthrough technological solutions with the active assistance of the public sector of the economy.

macro-institutional policy, innovative potential, state-owned companies, economic growth, innovative development, technological solutions
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