Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
It has been shown that µ-nitrido(bis) iron phthalocyaninate is an effective catalyst for the oxidation of fluoroaromatic compounds with hydrogen peroxide, including such difficult to oxidized substrates as hexafluorobenzene and pentafluoropyridine. The main fluoride containing product is inorganic fluoride. It has been found that this catalyst, when supported on a graphite, exhibits high stability and can be used after simple regeneration.

Ключевые слова:
oxidation, catalytic defluorination, iron phthalocyaninate, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, hydrogen peroxide
Список литературы

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4. Sorokin A.B. Phthalocyanine Metal Complexes in Catalysis. Chem. Rev. 2013. V. 113. N 10. P. 8152-8191. DOI:

5. Sorokin A.B., Kudrik E.V. US Patent № US8884093 B2. 2014.

6. Colomban C., Kudrik E.V., Afanasiev P., Sorokin A.B. Catalytic Defluorination of Perfluorinated Aromatics under Oxidative Conditions Using N-Bridged Diiron Phthalocyanine. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014. V. 136. N 32. P. 11321-11330. DOI:

7. Goedkent V.L., Ercolani C. Nitrido-bridged iron phthalocyanine dimers: synthesis and characterization. J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 1984. P. 378-379. DOI:

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9. Sorokin A.B., Kudrik E.V., Bouchu D. Bio-inspired oxidation of methane in water catalyzed by N-bridged diiron phthalocyanine complex. Chem. Commun. 2008. Iss. 22. P. 2562-2564. DOI:

10. Sorokin A.B., Kudrik E.V., Alvarez L.X., Afanasiev P., Millet J.M.M., Bouchu D. Oxidation of methane and ethylene in water at ambient conditions. Catal. Today. 2010. V. 157. N 1-4. P. 149-154. DOI:

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