Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The article considers a personalized approach to the organization of the educational process as one of the factors of increasing competitiveness in the labor market. The analysis of the concepts of «digital economy», «digital transformation of education» is given, modern trends in these processes are highlighted, which are prerequisites for the emergence of personalized learning. The tasks expected to be solved in the field of education against the background of the changing socio-economic situation are studied. The definition and characteristic features of personalized learning are given. The relevance of the implementation of the personalized learning model at the present stage is substantiated, and its effectiveness in the formation of relevant skills of the XXI century, correlating with the requests of potential employers to ensure the competitiveness of future specialists, is considered.
digital economy, education, digital transformation of education, personalized learning, skill, skills of the XXI century, competitiveness
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